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4465 East Genesee Street - #249, DeWitt, NY 13214-2242

RULES for Domino Tournament


1. This tournament is welcome for both “Advance” AND “Beginners” players
2. There is NO registration FEE for this particular Tournament
3. Individual players CANNOT belong to more than one team separately
4. All conflict decisions and discussion resolutions are decided by the assigned Judges, and are FINAL
5. No hands-gestures, strange signaling, obvious signing, frequent unusual facial moves, and/or cheating of any sort during the play of the game is prohibited. Only one warning without penalty will be given to the team that is caught doing that. If the same team is caught doing that again, they will be penalized by given 30 points to the opposite. A third similar infraction will cost the team the game. (this regulation left to the judges’ discretion and might result in game cancellation)
6. Spectators, visitors, or other teams (standing by or finished competing) watching another match, are not allowed to speak, comment, or provide input of any type, to any of the players in a match.
7. If a team is disqualified or forfeits a match, they can not ask for their Registration Fee back.
8. Registration Fee return policy (no returns from the day-before-tournament day)
9. Players can not cover their pieces (every one should know how many pieces are left for each player at anytime)
10. No “mirrored or sunglasses” allowed during the game (unless they are “prescription”).
11. No “smoking” allowed during the game (drinks are allowed)


1. A Domino ROUND is defined from the very first piece placed on the table until when a player places his/her last piece on the table.
2. A Domino GAME is defined from the beginning of the play until when the team reaches the corresponding points of that level (there are as many rounds as needed to reach the corresponding points)
3. A MATCH is defined when a team wins the best Two out of Three Games (2/3 games if time permitted).
4. At the end of each game, the unplaced pieces (left Dominoes in each player) are to be handled by Judges (and not by the players), to count points and assigned proper scores in the judge’s “score-card”.
5. Scores must be recorded by the judges on the official “score-card”, and taken to the recording station, for continuation of the tournament.
6. Each Match will be won and sequenced using the bracket-style approach, as showed in the attached graph.
7. If there is an “odd number” of teams registered for the tournament, the one registered last will have to wait for the next-on-line winner, to play against.
8. A “wild-card” Match opportunity might be offered during the tournament, if there is four or less (<4) teams registered to compete (under the judges’ discretion).
9. The Team that lost with most points during the first Match will be elected to play a “wild card”
10. If there are two (or more) teams that lost with the same amount of points in the first Match, a “pick up the largest number piece” approach will decide what team to play a “wild card”.



1. KAPI-KU: 25 points This play occurs when the player winning the hand can play their last domino piece on either side. It is not Kapi-Ku if a player ends a game with a double that can be played on either side.
2. PRIMER-PASO DE MANO: 10 points This play can ONLY occur during first hand (start of the round). It occurs when the team leading the hand plays it first domino the second player to go has no play on the first domino that’s Primer Paso de mano. It can also occur in the very first hand (round) of the game the double six opening the hand and the opposing player has no play on the double six.
3. PASO-COMPLETO: 10 points This play occurs when one player has control of the table and has forced all players including the teammate to pass. Every time a player can do this the team scores 10 Points.
4. CHUCHASO: 30 points Game ending play where the last piece played is the double blank played on one side (NOTE: It is not a Chuchaso if the last domino piece can be played on either side because the game is locked with blanks in both ends.
5. TRANCASO: (to be calculated) This occurs when all seven Domino pieces of one number have been played and the ends are no longer playable. The game is locked, and all players have dominoes left. The winner of the hand is determined by the lowest combined score of each team. The points for the hand are the combined score of all the dominoes left awarded to the team with the lowest combined score of points in the hand.
6. CHIVO: (depending on…) This is a misplayed domino. If a player on a team plays a domino incorrectly, but can be played on the table during the current play, there will be no point penalty. If the player with the infraction cannot play the misplayed domino piece on either side of the current play, the misplayed piece is left upside-up on the table, the player gets a chance to play another piece, and the turned piece must be played on the next opportunity, AND the other team gets 20 points awarded. If Chivo happens again (2nd time in the same round) with the same player, that team will lose the round, and the points on that team’s domino pieces left, are used to award to the opposite team.
7. PASO CON FICHA: (the left pieces) This occurs when a player calls a pass and he/she actually has a Domino piece to play. When this is discovered, the round is stopped, and the team that has the player that made the wrong “pass-on-piece” call, looses the whole hand (round). The points left on this team is awarded to the other team.

NOTE: Bonus points 2, 3, & 6 “during” game do not decide final score victory. For instance: if Team A has 194 points, and they made a “paso-completo” that is worthy 10 points, this will NOT decide immediate team A’s victory, unless they win that particular game; if team A does not win that game, they will carry the 204 (194 + 10) points to the next game, until they win
