Welcome to the CNY Latino PORTFOLIO page.
This page was designed and created to temporarily provide pertinent information selected work or projects done by the CNY Latino media Consortium.
The content and material placed in here, is for temporary reference ONLY, and it was placed here, to provide for a Grant application in the National Geographic organization.
JOBS performed by CNY Latino:
Interview in Spanish with a Latino Doctor, about the CORONAVIRUS Epidemic (play below or click here to get the sound clip)
JOBS DONE BY OUR ASSOCIATE MARILU LOPEZ FRETTS (to be part of this proposed Grant)
Several photos from her portfolio: https://marilux.smugmug.com/Images
Sample Video produced for the WorldBeat Center: https://stemforall2018.videohall.com/presentations/1127
Sample Video for a Children teacher: https://marilux.smugmug.com/Videos/
Sample Videos done in several events and Cultural Centers: https://vimeo.com/163650002 * https://vimeo.com/139664605 * https://vimeo.com/139698882